The Old Pump House, Lopwell Dam, Plymouth, PL6 7BZ
Telephone: 01822 855700
Visitor centre/Cafe open daily from 10.30am to 4pm. Light lunches, snacks, hot drinks and refreshments daily from with adequate car parking and toilets.
Opening and Closing Times:
Nature reserve open at all times. Visitor Centre/Cafe as above.
Area Description:
Lopwell Dam is made up of 5 hectares of diverse habitat with mudflats, freshwater marsh, a wildflower meadow, scrub-grassland, saltmarsh and semi-natural woodland all making for an interesting day out.
Mixed woodland, a river system, saltmarsh and so much more make for a very interesting day out at Lopwell Dam |
Best times to visit:
With so much diversity a visit at any time of the year can be productive.
Key Flora:
The botanical front holds much to ponder right through the main season. Wood Spurge, Moschatel, Dog Violets, Lesser Celandine, Yellow Rattle, Self-Heal, Bugle, English Scurvygrass and Cuckooflower are a few examples of what can be found but with little effort a good list can be drawn up throughout the year.
Sea Club Rush, Sea Arrow Grass, Greater Tussock Sedge, Water Milfoil are amongst the more subtle plants on show. Ferns and mosses are also plentiful with Hart's Tongue Fern, Lady Fern and Male Fern easily located.
Fungi and lichens are numerous and many visits are needed to truly appreciate the range available.
Key Fauna:
With the diversity of habitat a wide range of many species can be had with birds ranging from Little Egret to any of the Woodpeckers or Buzzard to the odd wader or two. Little Grebe, Goldeneye, Mallard, Shelduck, Tufted Duck, Teal can be seen on the water. A Spotted Sandpiper is one of the rarities that has turned up in the past.
Dragonflies, butterflies and general insects are well represented with Silver Washed Fritillaries frequenting the woodland glades. Short Winged Conehead and the Saltmarsh Wolf Spider are both worth looking for.
Common Seals can be seen at high tide, a Roe Deer may be tripped across and given a great big chunk of luck a sighting of an Otter may well be had. Within the water itself it is worth looking for sightings of Mullet, Atlantic Salmon and Sea Trout.